Sunday, July 27, 2008

Stuff is tiring

Sunday night, I'm kinda tired. Matt and I spent the day looking at apartments yesterday. I think we must have looked at about eight places. A couple of places we crossed off the list right away. Its nice to be able to look Matt in the eyes and know he's thinking the same thing I am. Timberhollow had the weirdest layout with several random spaces that were nearly useless. Camdon Governor's Village was way too expensive and too far from campus. Knowing how my blood sugar gets when I'm running around I packed myself a little snack. I put a couple of ice packs in my Dora the Explorer lunch box along with some Farmer's Cheese from the local dairy, red pepper and basil hummus from Trader Joe's, some garlic pita chips, and sugar cookies. I managed to snag a couple of bottles of ice cold water from the various apartments that we visited. It was good because it was some tiring work being fake friendly with the salespeople and then walking around the many apartments. I felt like when you're with someone with ugly or stupid children. You can't come out and say it so you kind of dance around the subject. "Oooh, you're right. It is unique the way there is a half wall in the middle of the room." In the end though I think we are going to be staying at Shadowood where Matt currently lives. They have very nice layouts for a two bedroom garden and two bedroom townhouse. Not sure which we're going to take just yet, I'm leaning toward the townhouse because it has a huge living room which is where we spend most of our time. Matt wants to check to make sure that all our furniture will make it up the stairs, which, of course is the right thing to do. It is awesome that Matt is so practical. I get caught up in things a lot and I have Matt there to remember the important stuff say for instance if our very large, very heavy, oak furniture can make it up the stairs. We'll let everyone know as soon as possible what our new address is. We still have to talk to the management at Shadowood to find out when our new place will be available.

Maureen's shower was today. I, obviously, did not attend but I was able to talk to many family members. My "bag of bags" was quite a hit. It was passed around and caused Nana to give me a call which I missed. I called her back and after I said, "Hi Nana" she replied with, "Hi, this is Nana." *sigh* Maureen liked the necklace and bag and Elisa wants me to make her one of each. Goodness know I have enough plastic bags. Of course if any of my readers wants to save plastic bags to send me or bring me on a visit or I could pick up on a visit that would be super awesome.
The necklace I made for Maureen (crocheted wire)

Dan (Matt's brother) and Caroline (Dan's girlfriend) came over for a family dinner, yay. I made rice, beans and steak picado (Pikachu). The rice was a bit bland but as far as I know everything else tasted superb. We served a white and a red wine. I'd tell you what but the bottles are too far away to read and I don't feel like getting up. The four of us had a nice chat, sadly they had to leave to continue unpacking since they have recently moved into a new apartment as well.

sorry for the long post

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