Saturday, July 12, 2008

Battle for all time

Last night Matt and I had the crew over for a friendly game of Heroscape. The Heroscape crew consists of Jess, Jacob, Steph, Linda, Doug, Nathan and of course Matt and I. Everyone was very punctual and showed up at the same time of eight o'clock. Too bad for me since I hadn't finished cooking yet. And because I am my mother's daughter I cannot help but always make way too much food, last night was no exception. I was going for snack foods and the menu consisted of:
  1. garlic bread
  2. stuffed mushrooms
  3. poppers
  4. guacamole
  5. ranch dip
  6. cupcakes
  7. chocolate chip cookies
  8. mini cheesecakes
  9. drinks galore
Everything except for the poppers were homemade. So yes, I might have overdone it since there were a total of eight of us. *sigh* At least everything was very tasty. Jess and Jacob also brought "us" a very lovely cheese that nearly made me swoon. Steph and Linda made an amazing bruschetta made from tomatoes and basil from their garden. Both dishes I am eating as a lunchtime snack. The game, as always, was not a quick affair. Our best soldier, Krug, was knocked out early by a determined Jess. For a while it was two separate wars; Matt and I vs. the Sawyers, and Steph and Linda vs Doug and Nathan. Finally the two wars converged and we managed to wipe out the last of Doug and Nathan's army before falling to Linda's dice rolling prowess. She and Steph were the ultimate champions and they took home our traveling trophy, the Human Champion, with the stipulation that they must add something to him before our next battle. The Human Champion is this ridiculous trophy that Matt ended up with after Adam's white elephant party back in December. It was a soccer trophy that looks like a silver person in a soccer uniform kicking a soccer ball except that it also has a soccer ball for a bobble head. Its actually a little creepy. Why would he be kicking something that looked like his head? Well, we took the label that said "coach" and replaced it with lab tape that reads "Human Champion", much better in my opinion. We also kept ourselves amused when it wasn't our turn playing videos on You Tube. It was kicked off by "I kissed a girl" by Kate Perry, which, if you haven't seen or heard yet you should at least check it out. The song is completely ridiculous but horribly catchy and NPR tells me that it is the number one song in the country, yeah, NPR. I seriously think that NPR is using youth radio to bring up things that they couldn't normally talk about. But thats different rant altogether. Our play list was mostly dominated by video game and anime songs, because we're that cool. Nothing better that hanging out with friends, playing a game that involved a twenty-sided die and listening to video game songs.

Our board about halfway through the game.

Nathan and Steph do battle


The Sawyers give a high five after Jess takes someone out

Krug drowns his sorrows in a bottle of Yueng Ling

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