Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The pain, the pain

I'm so very annoyed right now. I forgot to put on bug spray the other day when I went to Steph's. I got bit so many times that I look like I have some horrible infectious disease (I don't). I am now convinced that I'm allergic to mosquito bites. There are fifteen on my right leg and thirteen on the left and they are all weirdly swollen and angry red. They all also itch and hurt at the same time. Its making my asthma flare up and do this weird thing were my throat is trying to close on me. That made eating breakfast this morning a fun experience. I kept gagging on my cereal, which is sad since I only eat soggy cereal. I took some benedryl hoping for some relief, I'm praying it kicks in soon. Maybe I'll get Matt to take some pictures of my legs tonight so I can scare everyone with them.

On a completely unrelated matter, why do some people have to go out of their way to make everyone believe how wonderful they are? Pretension annoys me almost as much as mosquito bites. I just don't understand putting that much effort into being something that you're not. Or even why you would care. If you truly are an amazing person the people that matter to you will already know, you don't have to prove yourself. The people who can't see it aren't worth being friends with anyway. I'm sorry it just makes me sad that I know someone who spends all their time putting up a front when really the person is great anyways. *sigh*

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