Thursday, August 7, 2008

Time flies, and so do we!

Trip day! Matt and I are all packed and are ready to get outta town. Our flight leaves at 6:19pm and we get to LA at 10:35 (LA time). It shouldn't be so bad since I have Matt there with me. I'm not sure what we'll do about eating. I probably can't wait until we get to Houston. I did bring lots of snacks with me and crafting stuff and lots of papers to read and summarize. Its going to be a blast. I can almost taste the In-N-Out, Jack in the Box, and super awesome Mexican food now.

Mark is on vacation for two weeks so we decided it was time for a lab lunch. I decided for everyone that we would go to Buns, a new burger place just off of Franklin. OMG!! I know that makes me sound like a teenager on myspace but it was Fantastic. They have three kinds of burgers including an in house made veggie burger. Then you have your selection of toppings where you can choose brie or gruyere cheese. MMMMMMM, I think I drooled a little bit. I do love cheese. It was great. Keiko is coming to visit next weekend and I promised/threatened that we were going.

One more quick thing before I run off to finish tidying up before I'm gone for a few days. Matt and I got to see our new apartment yesterday. Its kinda dirty right now but they are going to paint and put in new carpet and they should have it done in about a week. I'm very excited!

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