Saturday, January 30, 2010

Zelda's Snow Day

SNOW!!!! It snowed last night and this morning and is currently sleeting. Thats what Matt tells me at least. Not having had much experience with such things I'll have to take his word that that is what is falling from the sky. It actually snowed quite a bit, at least to my eyes. Enough that after consulting with the Sawyers we decided that it was probably a bad idea to drive to Apex today to play D&D. Which means we won't be able to take out the death cultists until next Saturday. *sigh* We were all really looking forward to trying out our new level four characters. Its probably for the best though. The weather channel is saying that it is supposed to turn into a heavier sleet and/or freezing rain as the afternoon progresses. So while it might be ok to drive over there it probably won't be so safe to drive back. Which means all the moms can breathe easier. We will be staying in today and having a snow day.

Since the last time it snowed we didn't take Zelda outside today was her very first romp in the snow. I am not so sure that she liked it very much. Somehow I don't think she's a snow dog. She did eat quite a bit of the snow. When she went off the sidewalk the snow reached past her belly. It was pretty cute. We only took her out for maybe three minutes tops so we didn't cover her up. As soon as we came back inside she ran some laps and is currently napping on my lap. I don't think the experience was too traumatic for her. Here are some pictures to document her time in the snow.

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