Monday, April 19, 2010

The Best Easter Ever!

I think I'm finally ok that I won't start blubbering just typing this, maybe.
This Easter Sunday started out like any other. Matt and I got up and ate breakfast then got ready for church. Before we left the Easter Bunny brought Matt his Easter basket with some candy, magic cards, and a new shirt. All of which were awesome. Matt had said that the Easter Bunny wouldn't be dropping off my basket until after Mass so I didn't really give it a second thought. Father John really out did himself with the homily, managing to make me cry at one point. We even had a good parking spo and it only took a couple of minutes to get out of the parking lot. Which is to say, our day was going pretty darn well. We got home and Zelda and I took a teensy nap whilst Matt consulted with the Easter Bunny. He came back to the bedroom to tell me that the Bunny had left me a basket.

I should pause at this point and explain my feelings about Easter. Really, it's more about Easter baskets. As a child I had a small addiction to candy, very small, practically not even there. You can imagine though that a holiday where I was presented with a large amount of candy would be high on my list. These days I'm not really huge on candy but the excitement about Easter baskets is still there.

So, back to the story. Matt handed me my basket which was filled with grass and a single piece of paper, no candy. The paper that was sitting there was the first clue for an Easter egg hunt. How exciting was that?! Each subsequent clue lead me to another egg, a clue and a memory from our relationship. I started crying after the first one. Now, you may be thinking that I should have realized what was going on at that point but I honestly thought that Matt was just doing an amazing job this year. The seventh egg (in the freezer) pointed me to Matt for the last egg which I thought he was about to pull out a large amount of candy and maybe a couple of trinkets. He said we had to go to the living room for it. This is where things get a little fuzzy. I think he said he had to ask me something before I got my Easter present and I think he said something about being in love with me and wanting to spend his life with me. The part that I do remember is the sudden realization of what was happening as he got down on one knee and pulled a shiny blue egg from his pocket. Inside was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. I would have said yes no matter what, but that certainly didn't hurt. I cried, we kissed, I cried, we hugged Zelda, I cried, I stared at my ring, I cried, I hugged Matt, I cried. It took a good forty-five minutes before I was able to calm down enough to call anyone. Of course we went outside first to take some pictures of the ring because we knew people would ask. It was a very emotional afternoon, to say the least. Poor little Zelda was very upset and confused why I was crying and hugging her and Matt every few mintues. We finished our phone calls and we met Dan and Caroline for dinner. It was a lovely way to celebrate. The waiter even brought us a small bottle of champagne to toast with. I think it might have been the best Easter I've ever had.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I may or may not have almost tear'd up reading this post. Again, congratulations!! :D
-lil sis