Monday, March 29, 2010

So graceful

I used to dance, not, you know, professionally or anything. I was on the drill team in high school, I took tap and ballet as a child, and other stuff. Matt and I also do ballroom dancing around the house for fun. I only mention it because I want you all to know that I can be graceful and move well. I think that only happens when I dance though. I am notorius for walking into things, banging my knees into desks, smacking my hand into door knobs, and I trip sometimes. Actually, I usually only trip on the stairs. I did it over Christmas, when Chris and Moe were here and broke two of my little toes. Don't worry, I've done that several times and I know how to deal with it. On Friday though, I tumbled down the stairs and landed on the barricade that we have set up to keep Zelda from bounding up the stairs. Considering the distance and velocity of which I fell, I didn't get hurt too badly. It knocked the wind out of me. The worst part is the ginormous bruise I now have. Its about the size of my hand. Not pleasant, especially since Zelda knows exactly where to jump to land on it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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