Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!!

Yes, I know that was yesterday but we were a little preoccupied and I didn't get to the blog. Well, it has finally happened, Princess Zelda has come home. We picked her up a little before 1:30pm yesterday and drove her home. She was very confused and upset for most of the drive home but Mary had sent a blanket that smelled like Zelda's mom Summer so that seemed to help her quite a bit. She really didn't know what to do once we let her out of her carrier. The longer she's here though, the more comfortable she's become. **I had to run away on an emergency, someone pooped on her potty for the first time.** We've had a few accidents but we're doing better. We bought Zelda a potty for her so that we don't have to run her up and down the stairs every half hour. Plus then when she's alone she doesn't have to hold it, she can just go on her potty. She's not perfect at it yet but she's getting there. We make a huge deal of it when she gets it right and she has these amazing treats taht are only for potty training. They have no grain, no fillers, and are made of USDA beef. They actually just look and smell like jerkey. For some reason she hates her crate. We've tried to put her in there but she just freaks out. She is a great napper, although she fights it like a little kid. Her eyes get all heavey but she keeps struggling to keep them open. She also loves to give puppy kisses. She also loves her toys, especially the one her grandparents from Las Vegas sent her. She only figured out this morning that she can chew both ends. My absolute favorite things she does is run. I put in a video of it in case you wanted to see. Its too funny. She doesn't have very good control of her limbs still so when she runs she bounds around and sometimes her back legs catch up with her front and she ends up running forward while her body is sideways. Its hilarious.

1 comment:

exile said...

I like the Zelda and Zelda oicture, Can't find the video.